Wallace State Adult Education
The Adult Education program is a nonprofit program to assist individuals who have discontinued public education enrollment or who did not have a high school diploma when their high school class graduated. Adults who need to improve academic skills for work or college enrollment as well as gain basic job skills for employment purposes are also eligible to enroll. Today most jobs and postsecondary education programs require a high school diploma or equivalent to enroll. Classes are offered FREE OF CHARGE on the Wallace State campus and at affiliated sites throughout Cullman, Blount, Morgan, and Winston counties.Program Overview
Adult Education - GED Classes
- Patti Wilkins
- 256.352.7429
- patti.wilkins@xcslscl.com
Adult Education Services Interest Form Enroll Now! Get started with orientation!
GED Information
Wallace State Community College Adult Education Program offers free Adult Education/GED prep classes throughout Cullman, Blount, part of Morgan, and part of Winston Counties. Adult Education classes cover math, language, science, and social studies.
The GED Test - The GED test is the only nationally-recognized high school equivalency test. More than 18 million people have passed the test, and it’s been instrumental in changing lives. Notable graduates include state governors, members of Congress, college presidents and community leaders.
The GED has four test subjects.
Reasoning through Language Arts – measures your ability to read closely, write clearly, and edit and understand written
Mathematical Reasoning – includes quantitative and algebraic problem solving
Science – includes life science, physical science, earth and space science
Social Studies – includes civics and government, U.S. History, economics, geography and the world
The GED is made up of the following types of questions:
Multiple Choice
Drag and drop
Hot spot (select an area)
Fill in the blank
Short answer
Extended response
18 Years and Older
Wallace State offers these Adult Education services both in class and online:
Academic Assessment: All adult education students will be administered a nationally recognized standardized assessment to determine academic strengths and weaknesses. Results will also be used by the teacher to develop the student's individualized instructional plan.
Adult Basic Education Classes: Reading, writing, and computing mathematically for learners functioning at or below the 8.9 grade equivalency.
Transition Programs: Instruction specifically designed to prepare adult learners to enter postsecondary education, higher education, training programs, and/or to improve their employability.
GED Preparation Classes: Reading, writing, computing mathematically, social studies, science, literature, and the arts for learners functioning at the 9.0 –12.9 grade equivalency to prepare them to earn the State of Alabama High School Equivalency Diploma.
College Preparatory Classes: Remedial instruction in the areas of reading, writing, and computing mathematically that is designed to prepare learners who are high school graduates, but performing below the 12.9 grade equivalency.
Workplace Education: Workplace education programs shall provide the opportunity to build the capacity for the teaching of literacy skills in the technologically sophisticated workplace.
English Literacy/Civics Education Classes: Classes providing integrated English literacy and civics education services to immigrants and other limited English proficient populations so that they may effectively participate in the education, work, and civic opportunities of this country.
FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Language Learner (ELL) Classes are also available.
Quality of Instruction
The Wallace State Adult Education program uses up-to-date, high quality, and high tech study materials. Labs are equipped with state-of-the-art computers and learning software to help students achieve goals. The instructors are experienced professionals dedicated to helping students succeed.
Free Materials
All classes and materials are free. The program is funded through federal, state, and local grants and operates under the guidelines of the Alabama Community College System/Adult Education Division and the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. Therefore, materials, classroom supplies, and instructors are provided to students at no cost.
Class Times and Locations
Classes are offered day and evening on campus at WSCC and off campus at work sites, career centers, churches, public service agencies, correctional facilities, and rehabilitation centers throughout Cullman, Blount, southeastern Morgan, and Winston counties.
Students must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in a K-12 program to register with the Adult Education Program. This program offers open enrollment throughout the year. Orientation is offered several times throughout each week, and is required to start the program.
Get started today! Call 256-352-8078 or toll free 1-866-350-9722 ext. 8078 to sign up for an orientation center and classes near you.
16- and 17-year-old students
Steps to apply
Effective November 2022: All documentation for 16- and 17-year-olds must be submitted through this application form:
Step 1
- Create an account at GED.com before turning in any documentation. GED accounts are how Age Waivers are granted through ACCS.
- If the student has multiple GED.com accounts, students must call GED Testing Service to have all accounts merged – 877-392-6433. Merging accounts can take 7-10 business days, so call soon!
Step 2
If you have questions about the process, please contact Ms. Juanita Hill, (256-)352-8078 or juanita.hill@xcslscl.com. If you need help with the online form, please set up a time with Ms. Hill to help you complete the form. If you need help uploading your documents, Ms. Hill can assist you with this.
Specific requirements for students, 16 and 17 years of age, who wish to enroll in a GED class or to take the GED test.
Parent or Guardian must provide:
- Proof of Residency
- Alabama ID card, Alabama driver’s license, or permit
- Student photo ID from a private or public Alabama high school
- Parent or Guardian Permission
- Proof of Withdrawal from Public, Private or Homeschool
- Test Scores (age 16 only)
Email agewaivers@accs.edu for acceptable ID questions.
Examples of Proof of Withdrawal
- Exit Interview Form from Alabama high school
- Withdrawal Form from Private/Church School
- Parent Permission Form (All Parent/Guardian Permission forms must be notarized.)
Notarized and signed letter from parent or legal guardian that includes:
- Name of former school
- Dropout/withdrawal date
- Statement indicating that the student has dropped out of school (or completed coursework), and has permission to take the GED Test
TEst Scores
Test Scores (16 years old only)
16-year-olds must prove that they can pass the GED test by taking either:
GED Ready Math and Reasoning through Language Arts practice tests - Student must score 145 or higher on both tests to be permitted to take the real GED test. ($6 per test through www.GED.com)
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Math, Reading, and Language Arts (through Wallace State Adult Education program) FREE at Wallace State Adult Education program – Student must achieve a score of ASE low, level 5, on Math, Reading, and Language Arts to be eligible for Age waiver.
Create an account at GED.com before turning in any documentation. GED accounts are how Age Waivers are granted through ACCS.
Age 16 – Withdrawal from Non-Public School
- Proof of Alabama Residency
- Proof of Withdrawal
- Test Scores
- Notarized Parent Permission
Withdrawal from School
Age 17 – Withdrawal from Public School
Proof of Alabama Residency
Notarized Parent Permission OR Exit Interview Form
Age 17 – Withdrawal from Non-Public School
Proof of Alabama residency
Notarized Parent Permission OR Proof of Withdrawal
Court Orders
Students who are court-ordered to enroll in GED classes.
- No ID is required
- No proof of residency is required
- Provide a copy of the Court Order to Adult Education program.
Not sure if the GED is for you? Well, you can see for free! Take your GED Practice today! Complete the BEGIN HERE form and then the Enroll Now forms.
High School Diploma Option (HSDO)
Wallace State’s Adult Education Services can assist individuals who are at least 19 years old with earning the Non-traditional High School Diploma Option (HSDO). Through a partnership with the Alabama Community College System and the Alabama State Department of Education, there are two HSDO program options:
Option 1 – An adult who attended an Alabama high school and earned enough credits to graduate but did not pass the high school graduation exam.
Option 2 – An adult who earned 10 or more credits from an Alabama high school and requires additional credits for high school completion.
The HSDO process starts with the student requesting a Transcript Audit form be sent from the local high school last attended to the Wallace State Adult Services Program. Sending electronically is the preferred method of receipt but it can also be hand-delivered if the form is in a sealed envelope and contains the official school seal. The form must have the signature of the school’s counselor or principal/administrator.
Upon completion of the HSDO program, the student will receive their high school diploma from the last Alabama high school they attended. To enroll in the HSDO program, the individual must meet all eligibility requirements.
Please contact Ms. Juanita Hill at 256-352-8078 or Juanita.Hill@xcslscl.com.
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language classes are offered at Wallace State at no cost. The classes will:
- Help students gain a functional command of English by focusing on vocabulary and sentence structure to improve reading, speaking and listening comprehension
- Help students improve English language skills needed in the workplace
- Prepare student to enter college or the workforce
Classes are provided in a comfortable atmosphere where students are encouraged to expand their knowledge. ELA courses are offered at convenient times at three locations: Hanceville Campus, Oneonta Campus, and The Link of Cullman.
Please contact Mr. John Barnett for information: John.Barnett@xcslscl.com or (205)762-0635.
Alabama Career Essentials (ACE)
Ready to Work is now Alabama Career Essentials (ACE). The main goal of the new ACE course is to ensure current and future workers are equipped with the skills necessary to enter the 21st-century Alabama workforce.
Alabama Career Essentials (ACE) is a FREE training course designed by the Alabama Community College System to provide Alabamians with relevant, cutting-edge, and industry-driven employability skills training to better prepare individuals for the Alabama workforce.
What can you gain from ACE? Job Skill Credentials.
- ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
- Alabama Certified Employee Certificate (ACE)
- Participants will learn the following skills:
Computer Literacy
Math for Work
Financial Literacy
Effective Communication
Resolving Problems in the Workplace
Workplace Etiquette
Employment Preparation
Healthy Workplace Environments
Workplace Safety
- Participants will learn the following skills:
- One free college course (up to 4 credit hours)
- Mobilizing Alabama Pathways (MAP) Certificate
For information about the Alabama Career Essentials (ACE) Program, contact Ms. Jennifer Lambert, Jennifer.Lambert@xcslscl.com or (256)352-8043.
Career Pathways
Adult Education works with the Center for Career & Workforce Development program to offer short-term trainings. Short-term trainings are offered throughout the year. Short-term training are typically from 10-12 weeks.
Upcoming Boot Camps
- Phlebotomy Technician (Hanceville Campus)
- Skid Steer (Heavy Equipment) Operator
- Bulldozer (Heavy Equipment) Operator
- Fiber Optics Technician
Workforce Training Opportunities
To learn more about these upcoming Boot Camps and short-term trainings, please contact Ms. Jennifer Lambert, Jennifer.Lambert@xcslscl.com or (256)352-8043.
Classroom Locations